Category: Latest News
Under normal circumstances on the fourth friday in May Brett Valley Lodge No. 9479 would be installing a new WM, however to mark our Installation Meeting the lodge held a most successful virtual gathering this year with members enjoying an hour and a half of lodge business and discussion. The meeting ended with a toast to Absent Brethren and an Alms Collection in aid of local charity.
Great fun, good time had by all, but this time next year will be a whole lot better!
Brett Valley have a full calendar of Ceremonies over the next 18 months so we were pleased to visit our ‘mother lodge’ The Lodge of Virtue and Silence on 11th March where both lodges combined for a Ceremony of Raising for Russell Gant. Virtue & Silence formed way back in 1811 meet on a Wednesday night and Brett Valley formed in 1992 meet on a Friday, so if you are interested in becoming a Freemason in Hadleigh you have got choice of days to suit!
Visit to Border Stone Lodge
Members of Brett Valley travelled down to Freemasons Hall in London to see one of their members John Winfield become Master of Border Stone Lodge 6755. John who originally hails from London moved to Suffolk a few years ago and joined Brett Valley where he is now very active and much respected member. Many of our members are freemasons who have moved from other areas and subsequently joined the lodge and enjoy the various social activities we organise for them and their families, it is a great way to expand your social circle.
Brett Valley Lodge Burns Supper
Friday 24th January saw 126 members together with their families and friends packed into Hadleigh Town Hall as Brett Valley Lodge held their very popular annual Burns Supper. The evening was extra special for the lodge as we were very pleased to welcome the Provincial Grand Master for Suffolk. As is usual a raffle was held and the magnificent sum of £900 was raised which will be distributed to local charities in due course.
Also present as guests of the Lodge were representatives from Hadleigh Swimming Club and Volunteers from Felixstowe Coastwatch who received donations to assist them in their work.
Our thanks to John Adams for his ‘Address to The Haggis’ which was much enjoyed as always by present and of course not forgetting ‘Monarch of The Glen’ Peter Pryke whose playing of the bagpipes is legendary, well in Hadleigh at least!
Hadleigh Food Bank
The Official Opening of Hadleigh Foodbank
On the 15th of January 2020 WBro. Mac Speake of Brett Valley Lodge was invited to open the new home of Hadleigh Foodbank in Hadleigh Business Centre after the lodge made a donation to assist the Foodbank in the work they give to those who require help in and around Hadleigh.
Suffolk 2019 Festival
Brett Valley donate £19,356 to Festival 2019
Pictured are members of the Lodge celebrating after five years of fundraising at the Final Event Dinner at the Royal Hospital School, Holbrook where Brett Valley donated £19,356 towards the total of £1,585,657 raised across Suffolk.